Mar 28
Posted: under artwork, Life beyond writing, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, Life beyond writing, the writing life March 28th, 2014
This post would have gone up last week, except for a power outage, a stubborn computer, and two speaking gigs for which prep had to be done. Yes! The cover of Shattered Shields in which I have a story, “First Blood.” Those of you who haunt have already seen it, no doubt, but last […] [...more]
This post would have gone up last week, except for a power outage, a stubborn computer, and two speaking gigs for which prep had to be done.

Yes! The cover of Shattered Shields in which I have a story, “First Blood.” Those of you who haunt have already seen it, no doubt, but last week was my first sight of it, when the editor sent it out to all of us. Read the rest of this entry »
Jan 11
Posted: under artwork, Website Update.
Tags: artwork, website January 11th, 2014
There’s a new image up on the Character Gallery: Aliam Halveric in late middle age. Hescox has captured the tough, seasoned commander and the man who can (when appropriate) laugh at himself. I’m very happy with it. [...more]
There’s a new image up on the Character Gallery: Aliam Halveric in late middle age. Hescox has captured the tough, seasoned commander and the man who can (when appropriate) laugh at himself. I’m very happy with it.
Dec 07
Posted: under artwork, Website Update.
Tags: artwork, characters, website December 7th, 2013
So here’s the new page on the website: the Character Gallery. Here’s where art depicting the characters will be displayed. First up is Arvid in his earlier days, much as he was when Paks first saw him. I hope you enjoy this page, as it grows with more artwork related to Paksworld, mostly characters but […] [...more]
So here’s the new page on the website: the Character Gallery. Here’s where art depicting the characters will be displayed. First up is Arvid in his earlier days, much as he was when Paks first saw him. I hope you enjoy this page, as it grows with more artwork related to Paksworld, mostly characters but maybe (depends) some decorative stuff.
If you prefer to visualize characters yourself, in your own mind, no need to go see what someone else thought a character looked like–but if you enjoy others’ visual imagination, go right ahead. I’ve commissioned several sketches from Richard Hescox; this is the first up. Aliam Halveric will probably be next. As he’s fitting them in between other work, it’ll likely be months between new appearances.
Dec 03
Posted: under artwork, Crown of Renewal.
Tags: artwork December 3rd, 2013
Since Crown of Renewal’s covers, US and UK, are on display at their respective Amazon portals…there they are side by side for your delectation. [...more]
Since Crown of Renewal’s covers, US and UK, are on display at their respective Amazon portals…there they are side by side for your delectation.

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Sep 25
Posted: under artwork, Limits of Power, snippet.
Tags: artwork, snippet September 25th, 2012
Via my agent’s tweet, here’s a site with info on Limits of Power and a look at the cover. Hurray! Meanwhile, I’m struggling with a couple of scenes from Book V that don’t want to be written, which undoubtedly means I’ve messed up somewhere else…but still, things have to keep happening. And so you get […] [...more]
Via my agent’s tweet, here’s a site with info on Limits of Power and a look at the cover. Hurray!
Meanwhile, I’m struggling with a couple of scenes from Book V that don’t want to be written, which undoubtedly means I’ve messed up somewhere else…but still, things have to keep happening.
And so you get a snippet.
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Jul 09
Posted: under artwork, Echoes of Betrayal, Good News, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, characters, the book business, the writing life July 9th, 2012
Echoes of Betrayal has a new cover for the paperback edition coming early next year. I liked the hardcover art, but this is a very strong cover that will show up better on the smaller format. [...more]
Echoes of Betrayal has a new cover for the paperback edition coming early next year. I liked the hardcover art, but this is a very strong cover that will show up better on the smaller format.
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Feb 24
Posted: under artwork, Bookstore Event, Echoes of Betrayal.
Tags: artwork, the book business February 24th, 2012
Terie Garrison sent me this image of Echoes of Betrayal alongside its siblings on a shelf in Waterstones, Arndale Centre, Manchester City Centre, UK. That crossbow looks like it’s coming right out of the cover, doesn’t it? [...more]
Terie Garrison sent me this image of Echoes of Betrayal alongside its siblings on a shelf in Waterstones, Arndale Centre, Manchester City Centre, UK.

That crossbow looks like it’s coming right out of the cover, doesn’t it?
Oct 14
Posted: under artwork, Echoes of Betrayal, snippet.
Tags: artwork, snippet October 14th, 2011
Most of you may have seen the cover art elsewhere, but it’s now time to show it off here for anyone who might wander through: [...more]
Most of you may have seen the cover art elsewhere, but it’s now time to show it off here for anyone who might wander through:
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Apr 19
Posted: under artwork, Crisis of Vision, Marketing, the writing life.
Tags: progress report, the writing life April 19th, 2011
Very likely Book III will get a new title in the next few days. I’m participating in the process of coming up with a new one. There was editorial concern that Crisis of Vision, though it did fit the “hinge book” position, did not carry enough of the epic fantasy feel (and in fact “felt” […] [...more]
Very likely Book III will get a new title in the next few days. I’m participating in the process of coming up with a new one. There was editorial concern that Crisis of Vision, though it did fit the “hinge book” position, did not carry enough of the epic fantasy feel (and in fact “felt” more like a nonfiction book to some.) This will not delay the schedule or anything; it’s just one of those changes that comes along, and I thought I’d give y’all a heads-up about it. I think I mentioned that the US edition now has cover art, but I’m not cleared to show it to you yet (and the old title’s on it, so it’s a good thing it’s not spread all over the internet.)
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Mar 28
Posted: under artwork, the writing life, Website Update.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life, Website Notice March 28th, 2011
A “work” version of the map for Kings of the North is now up on the Paksworld website maps page, here. I don’t have time to do a prettified antiqued version right now, so this is for those who bought the book in a format that did not include the map. [...more]
A “work” version of the map for Kings of the North is now up on the Paksworld website maps page, here. I don’t have time to do a prettified antiqued version right now, so this is for those who bought the book in a format that did not include the map.
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