Jun 23
Posted: under Reader Help.
Tags: reader help wanted June 23rd, 2013
I’ve misplaced my reference copy of Oath of Fealty (there are copies around somewhere, but…it’s Lazy Day) and cannot remember the name of the functionary in the palace in Vérella who’s in charge of the treasury. This would be when Dorrin delivers the regalia. I think that’s the first instance of this person showing up, […] [...more]
I’ve misplaced my reference copy of Oath of Fealty (there are copies around somewhere, but…it’s Lazy Day) and cannot remember the name of the functionary in the palace in Vérella who’s in charge of the treasury. This would be when Dorrin delivers the regalia. I think that’s the first instance of this person showing up, but I don’t have a name in the Names file, or a title. And though I’ve tried to go through the novel’s own master file…my eyes are glazing over. If someone’s got a reference from one of the other volumes, that’s also great.
Jun 20
Posted: under Good News, Limits of Power, Reader Help, Revisions, the writing life.
Tags: Life beyond writing, revision, the book business, the writing life June 20th, 2013
The first week out is the week that determines (nearly always) whether a book will reach “bestseller” status. It’s the week that agents watch over, checking BookScan numbers regularly, checking rankings any place they can find one and making their own calculations of raw numbers v. other books’ raw numbers. In the first week, LIMITS […] [...more]
The first week out is the week that determines (nearly always) whether a book will reach “bestseller” status. It’s the week that agents watch over, checking BookScan numbers regularly, checking rankings any place they can find one and making their own calculations of raw numbers v. other books’ raw numbers. In the first week, LIMITS sold a few fewer hardcovers than ECHOES, and a few more e-books, to wind up with a modest increase of total hardcover/ebook sales in the US market. So thank you, all of you who wanted to and were able to buy a copy in the first week. Thanks for talking about the books, and introducing others to them. You’re the ones who keep a writer in bread & butter (and dark chocolate. Can’t forget the dark chocolate.) Read the rest of this entry »
Mar 23
Posted: under Reader Help, the writing life.
Tags: progress report, reader help wanted, the writing life March 23rd, 2013
Right now, I’m pouring words into the files for Book V, so I’m not keeping up with everything the Punctuation Working Group is doing….trying to check comments and email a few times a day, but not really able to concentrate on anything but stuff I can’t tell you yet. (I should have been listening to […] [...more]
Right now, I’m pouring words into the files for Book V, so I’m not keeping up with everything the Punctuation Working Group is doing….trying to check comments and email a few times a day, but not really able to concentrate on anything but stuff I can’t tell you yet. (I should have been listening to different music…finally thought mixing Smetana’s Bartered Bride first act with Saint-Saens’ symphonies, not Beethoven. And…it’s galloping.) I’d forgotten the particular combination of suspense, darkness, and explosive brilliance, in that one in particular…goosebumps. Lots and lots of goosebumps. Just what I needed.)
Anyway, my brain’s not in pronunciation right now. It’s in getting Book V done to “send to editor standard”.
Forgive the inattention after handing over that job, please.
Also–remember that my webmistress wants the output as a .doc, .rtf, or .txt file. She has her own tricks for making it pretty on the website and says those are an easier starting point than others. (Also, I can’t read docx or xcl files on my machine, so I can’t look files over before sending them on to her.)
Mar 19
Posted: under Reader Help.
Tags: reader help wanted March 19th, 2013
Brilliance, who are working on the new Paksworld audiobooks, sent me a list of words for help with pronunciation. And then another list. Remembering that some time back we had a discussion here (more than one, maybe?) on pronunciation of words from Paksworld, and other questions I’ve had, I set to work on them. And […] [...more]
Brilliance, who are working on the new Paksworld audiobooks, sent me a list of words for help with pronunciation. And then another list. Remembering that some time back we had a discussion here (more than one, maybe?) on pronunciation of words from Paksworld, and other questions I’ve had, I set to work on them. And kept the list and my attempts at making pronunciation easier on files for myself. The list has about 140 words/names on it, but they’re not in alphabetical order (in order of appearance in the text, apparently) and I think there are some duplicates. Also, it’s not complete, if you go back to the first books: there are names and places and words that aren’t included.
You see where I’m going, I’ll bet.
Read the rest of this entry »
Jan 05
Posted: under contest, Reader Help.
Tags: contest, reader help wanted January 5th, 2013
In case no one’s checking the comments in the contest thread…I’ve now read everything and made what I hope is an accurate list of unique contributors. But, given that I’ve been sick and foggy-headed, I’d like someone else to count that too. I get thirty unique contributors…is that what y’all think? Once I have a […] [...more]
In case no one’s checking the comments in the contest thread…I’ve now read everything and made what I hope is an accurate list of unique contributors.
But, given that I’ve been sick and foggy-headed, I’d like someone else to count that too. I get thirty unique contributors…is that what y’all think? Once I have a check on the number, I can run the random number app and have a winner.
BTW…great entries. I was so smart not to think I could pick a winner on merit because there were too many really good ones!
Sep 27
Posted: under Life beyond writing, Limits of Power, Reader Help, snippet, the writing life.
Tags: Life beyond writing, snippet, the writing life September 27th, 2012
This is a small bouquet of gratitude to someone on the list who–reading the snippet–found an inconsistency with Oath of Gold and emailed me privately about it overnight. So this morning I hauled out my copy of that book, and the manuscript, and knew he was right–it was an inconsistency and it needed to be […] [...more]
This is a small bouquet of gratitude to someone on the list who–reading the snippet–found an inconsistency with Oath of Gold and emailed me privately about it overnight. So this morning I hauled out my copy of that book, and the manuscript, and knew he was right–it was an inconsistency and it needed to be fixed, if possible. The book’s already past copy editing, so I didn’t know if it could, but I set to work looking for the smallest possible fix that wouldn’t mess up any other previous books.
Read the rest of this entry »
Jul 19
Posted: under Reader Help.
Tags: reader help wanted July 19th, 2012
Help, please! I need someone with time on their hands and a copy of the books so far to hunt up a few things for me, if you would be so kind. 1> In which book (and which year of the current series–considering year one started with Oath and Kieri’s coronation) did Dorrin take on […] [...more]
Help, please! I need someone with time on their hands and a copy of the books so far to hunt up a few things for me, if you would be so kind.
1> In which book (and which year of the current series–considering year one started with Oath and Kieri’s coronation) did Dorrin take on squires?
2> Did the passage talking about that say anything about the length of the squire contract? (I’m guessing two years, but am not sure. If it was tied to ending at a specific age, then it’s different for each.)
3> Somewhere, in some book, I mentioned the squires’ actual ages (or some of their actual ages) and how much the age difference was. I know Beclan is eldest, but cannot remember how much, and I need to know all three. Again, which book, and what year of the current story.
Apologies for asking y’all to work, but I’m deep in something that needs to keep rolling and if I stop to look I’ll lose the momentum. Am leaving square bracket spaces to fill in later. Thanks!
Feb 23
Posted: under Echoes of Betrayal, Good News, Marketing, Reader Help, the writing life.
Tags: Contents, Life beyond writing, the book business, the writing life February 23rd, 2012
Editor emailed this morning to let me know Echoes has gone back to print another 3000 copies. I don’t think I’ve ever had a hardcover sent back to print that fast before. Very happy dance of writer. Wowza and all that. And it’s you folks–the readers–who have made the book popular enough for this to […] [...more]
Editor emailed this morning to let me know Echoes has gone back to print another 3000 copies. I don’t think I’ve ever had a hardcover sent back to print that fast before. Very happy dance of writer. Wowza and all that.
And it’s you folks–the readers–who have made the book popular enough for this to be needed. THANK YOU. Read the rest of this entry »
Feb 05
Posted: under Background, Reader Help, the writing life.
Tags: reader help wanted, revision, the writing life February 5th, 2012
In the book I’m working on, the Company is once more camped near Ifoss, as in Sheepfarmer’s Daughter. In that book, the Company camped on the west side of town. Now they’re camping on the east side. Moreover, the town’s changed some (as most towns did, during and after Siniava’s War. Paks at that point […] [...more]
In the book I’m working on, the Company is once more camped near Ifoss, as in Sheepfarmer’s Daughter. In that book, the Company camped on the west side of town. Now they’re camping on the east side. Moreover, the town’s changed some (as most towns did, during and after Siniava’s War. Paks at that point didn’t care whether the town had a grange; it does…on the west side. Ifoss is still the smallest of the Foss Council cities, but its wall is no longer complete; expansion after Siniava’s War (the war to end wars, in the locals’ minds) led them to breach the wall to the northwest, while retaining most of the rest. Several inns are mentioned in Sheepfarmer’s Daughter, and without my notebooks it didn’t occur to me to reuse any of the same names. Until now, when–looking for something else–I ran across them. So there’s another bit of revision to be done.
Read the rest of this entry »
Jan 08
Posted: under Reader Help.
Tags: reader help wanted January 8th, 2012
I think it’s in Oath of Fealty, but maybe in Kings of the North–at one of the peerage ceremonies–there’s mention of the other duke, the one who’s old and feeble and doesn’t ever show up at court anymore. Apparently I put his name down somewhere other than the “Names” file and now I can’t find […] [...more]
I think it’s in Oath of Fealty, but maybe in Kings of the North–at one of the peerage ceremonies–there’s mention of the other duke, the one who’s old and feeble and doesn’t ever show up at court anymore. Apparently I put his name down somewhere other than the “Names” file and now I can’t find it. It’s not Serrostin, Mahieran, Marrakai, or Verrakai. It’s something else. I need it again.
Help! (And thanks, whoever finds it! I’m finishing up scenes I hope will be final…)