Today’s the Day!

Posted: March 16th, 2010 under Life beyond writing, Marketing, Oath of Fealty, the writing life.
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The “coming out” party begins on this side of the pond.

As an experienced, mature, professional writer I am of course experienced in such things and completely…unhinged, in just as much of an emotional storm as when Sheepfarmer’s Daughter made its way to the shelves back in 1988.   The excitement of “launch day” hasn’t gotten old yet, and probably never will–and some books have me dancing on the hot needles more than others.

A few pleas from the author:

Please do not post any spoilers here.  (Those of you already reading the UK edition have been very good about that–thanks!)  Not everyone has their copy or will have for more than a week.     I’ll open the gate for book discussion later.

Please don’t tell me about typos (I know there are some)–let my joy be unconfined for awhile.  It took a long time to get here, and I need to bask a bit (only a bit–have to finish those revisions…and continue with book three.)

Enjoy yourselves.  The week has already complicated itself more than it was two days ago,  and I might not post every single day this coming week, but I’ll try.   Revisions really do have to trump posts, though.   So does getting M- to and from work on time, dealing with the sacrificial lamb (well…going to be sacrificed to a love of lamb curry,  lamb stew,  rack of lamb, etc.)  and scuttling around to all the bookstores in Austin that carry the book, to sign shelf stock.


  • Comment by Kelly Gardner — May 14, 2010 @ 12:22 pm


    I was not aware the book was coming out. I received a copy for Mother’s day. Just finished it. It is as gripping as the original stories from years ago. I have read the Paks book so many times I have lost count. I am so glad to be back in Paks world. I can’t wait for another book to come out. I will recommend this highly to friends but won’t loan out my copy. Had trouble getting books back because friends loved and and wanted to hang on to it.

    Congratulations. A book well written!!!!

  • Comment by elizabeth — May 14, 2010 @ 3:40 pm


    Thanks, Kelly, and welcome to the blog. I’m so glad you like the book. I’m waiting for permission to display the cover of the next one, Kings of the North (and I have to draw the maps for it realsoonnow.)

    Point of information: Where could Del Rey Books–or I–have waved the Oath release date in front of you so you’d have seen it? (Not that getting it for Mother’s Day is a bad thing, but I’m trying to figure out what holes we didn’t plug.) Publishers these days are convinced that certain online venues work better than others…but I’ve found that some of the people who didn’t know it was coming don’t use those venues.

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