Editorial Gratitude

Posted: October 12th, 2009 under Editing, Life beyond writing, Revisions, the writing life.

I told my editor that you alpha readers had found problems, and that I’m working on them.

She’s glad you found them and that I’m fixing them, so she won’t have to.

We had a lovely chat yesterday on the way back from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (perfect weather, too!)  and then at the house, wherein I tried to explain the book in 25 words or less and failed utterly.   Writers see things differently.   Now that I’ve been on the subway  (over and over and over again) I realize that trying to explain my books in a simple way is like trying to explain the NYC subway system in a simple way.


Meanwhile, work on revisions continues in between a) the opera, b) the supper after the opera, c) the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, d) the visit to my agent in his new place.   Wednesday is the meeting with marketing, publicity, editorial, and production  (for whom I’ve bought chocolate in pretty boxes), and then Thursday it’s back on a train heading west.  Chicago, with an overnight with friends, and then back on the train to Texas.   Train time is writing time if the weather’s too dim for viewing, which I think is the prediction for Thursday at least.

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