I shipped Horngard off to my agent again on Tuesday, before leaving for the dentist’s quarterly exam/cleaning/discussion, etc. What’s changed? you ask. Well, the beginning, the end, some stuff in the middle, and about 7000 words have left the pages. It’s down to just *under* 175,000 words. No, it’s not too “thin.” Part of what came out were simple repeats, one of them a page and a half long!! Several people in the writing group had seen and commented on some-to-most of it. Their comments generally made sense and offered a valuable perspective (from people who had not read the earlier books) on how such readers might see the book if reading it “cold.”
The multiple revisions have not made the book “beige” or “muddled” but have actually (esp. this last) cleaned off some grime, some scratches, some mistakes that should’ve disappeared two (at least) revisions ago but I still couldn’t see them. Now I can. Even after sending it off I thought “Wait–did I fix that other bit?” and looked it up and lo! it was still there. (Character goes to sleep feeling esp. good in two places in the book….should happen only once per book since the second time is at a significant place.) Character arcs were largely tidied up and given better “pointing.” When I read it through the last time, I felt that the current of the story, the pull of it, was definitely there. Always a reason to turn the page, without the slack water effect that had bothered my agent before. Yes, as the writer I know stuff the reader doesn’t, but what I feel (I hope correctly) is that my sense of flow is coming back now as I work on this one. And then the next. I also think the short things I’ve done have helped with that, since a piece of shorter fiction *cannot* have a lack of pull anywhere in it.
And there’s been movement on Remnant Population, which I’m excited about. Nothing’s solid yet, but there is interest, and a small amount of money following. So far, no option has led to anything more (sometimes an option renewal) but options are a sign that possibilities do exist.
Comment by Annabel — July 11, 2024 @ 4:25 am
Oh, excellent! I am really looking forward to Horngard. And great news about Remnant Population – one of my favourites of your novels!
Comment by Marian — July 11, 2024 @ 6:02 am
Fantastic! Onward with part II 🙂
Have you had some good rain? Noticed the hurricane passed you by 🙁
Comment by Patricia Lanigan — July 11, 2024 @ 2:29 pm
It’s great to learn that Horngard I is back with your agent. I do hope that it will be accepted for publication SOON.
When you mentioned Remnant Population, I went straight over to my Kindle library to re-read it. The next thing I noticed, a third way through the book, that it was well after midnight and I’d nothing prepared for the morning. It’s a gripping story.
Comment by Jace — July 12, 2024 @ 10:36 am
Can a book be preordered before it gets published? Maybe enough fan interest could leverage $$$ interest.
Comment by Jeff Davidson — July 12, 2024 @ 11:14 am
Remnant Population? No way! That’s one of my favorites! Here’s hoping that moves forward.
Also so ready to read your Horngard! The updates have been just been whetting my appitite!
Comment by Nadine Bowlus — July 16, 2024 @ 6:35 pm
Good news about Horngard I.
And very good news about an option on Remnant Population.
Comment by Diane Kruse — July 17, 2024 @ 9:04 am
I am thrilled about an option for Remanent Population but also terrified. It is a wonderful story with several cultural nuances. Hope they don’t screw it up as usual. Wonder of June Squibb is available?
Comment by Linda — July 17, 2024 @ 7:40 pm
Good news that the hurricane did not wash you away and that you are still working.
Question about the previous post … I always thought Camwyn and Aris were the same age, am I mixed up? I too have had concussions, things get more mixed up with each blow to the head.
Comment by Jim DeWItt — September 15, 2024 @ 5:18 pm
Is it okay to be concerned that we haven’t heard from you for a couple of months? I don’t want to be creepy or weird, but you’re not usually silent this long. And south Texas has had some . . . challenges . . . the last two months.
Comment by Jace — September 17, 2024 @ 9:40 am
Thank you, Jim, for addressing what a lot of us have been thinking/ wondering. Worrying.