…to everyone who has stuck with this blog (and Universes) through the almost six years since the last book came out and since the Day of Concussion. To be Texan about it, ALL y’all have been a steady, reliable support that I needed, through the many trials and disappointments as I struggled to overcome the effects of brain damage. I’m still not 100% (multi-tasking the way I used to? No. More distractible, more difficulty maintaining focus through a writing session? Yes.)
But you have stuck it out with me, encouraging, showing interest at the least progress, and I am more grateful for that than I can easily express. Should any of you be unlucky enough to get your own heads smacked hard enough (or often enough) to cause serious loss of function…I hope you have as supportive a bunch of cheerleaders as you yourselves have been. Don’t give up on each other, or on family members, either. Sometimes the magic works.
Thanks again, and always.
Comment by Jazzlet — January 25, 2024 @ 11:09 pm
Your books have given me hours of pleasure, and I know that regardless of the future of Horngard the books I have will continue to give me hours of pleasure when I next re-read whichever series, so I am glad that me (and others of course) making the odd comment here has been helpful for you!
Comment by Lindsey — January 26, 2024 @ 12:28 am
Sending you so many good vibes still and always!
Comment by Richard Simpkin — January 26, 2024 @ 12:35 am
Hear! Hear! to Jazzlet’s comment.
Comment by OtterB — January 26, 2024 @ 7:07 am
Besides your books, I have enjoyed so much over the years hearing about the horses, the wildlife, etc. Continuing to send you best wishes.
Comment by William — January 26, 2024 @ 11:11 am
You’ve earned ever bit of support you’ve received.
Your books a pleasure to read and re-read, and they also feature characters working to Do The Right Thing, despite challenges and setbacks, doing right by some and inspiring others.
Your blog posts not only provide updates about the status of your works, they provide insights into the challenges the works face, and much more. They provide insights into the challenges you yourself have had and still have, and ALSO provide insights into your writing processes AND the struggles you’ve had since The Day of Concussion. Further, they show examples of HOW you do what you do, ways that others can understand and follow with their own writing efforts.
Further, your posts provide peeks into who you are, someone who not only wanted a piece of land upon which you could ride, but who also works to improve the land both for your pleasure and for the wildlife of the area. You not only want to have a horse (or two), but also want to understand and connect with your horses, not just providing for them and caring for them, but understanding their foibles, desires, and triggers. You didn’t blame Tigger for the Day of Concussion, you worked to understand how it happened, AND you dusted yourself off and found yourself a calmer mount in Rags and worked to help him improve as you returned to the saddle.
You’ve also committed to Service to Others, in the Marines and in your community, as has R____ in emergency medicine.
So, yes, we’ll be here, cheering you on as you face any challenges, and also delighting in the joys you find in singing, in finding Just the Right Word in your newly-acquired OED, or in slinging your new sword. I don’t know anyone who would take up working with a new sword at my age, nor yours, not just buying one (“Ooh, pretty”), but also working to develop the muscles and reactions it requires, getting training and putting in practice time.
We’ll cheer you on for what you do and who you are. We’ll savor your words in your works and in your blogs. As we can’t be present to help with the tack, feed, or office, we’ll submit words of encouragement or of joy. We can’t provide a hand up, a shoulder to lean on, or even a cup of flour, beans, or cornmeal when needed. We’ll make do with a few words here or there, sent from afar, and wish you well in all you undertake.
Comment by Annabel Smyth — January 26, 2024 @ 11:30 am
As others have said, your books have given us a great deal of pleasure over the years – I especially love Paksworld, which was my go-to reread when I was in hospital with pulmonary embolisms a few years ago now. So the news that your agent has liked your Horngard book enough to want to send it to your editor is terrific! I do hope your editor accepts it and we will soon be pre-ordering it!
And yes, we continue to cheer you on, pray for you, and engage with interest your tales of your horses and life on your 80 acres, as well as read your books with pleasure.
Comment by yennork — January 26, 2024 @ 3:52 pm
Love and best wishes from South Sweden. I’m a Paksworld fan of many years, and love to hear the saga continues.
Comment by Jonathan Schor — January 27, 2024 @ 8:09 am
May I also add to the appreciation of your body of work – all kinds of work from space opera to the world of Paks to the Speed of Dark. Along with many others I too have been and am still pulling for you.
Comment by Jim DeWItt — January 27, 2024 @ 9:19 am
You are an inspiration to all of us, Elizabeth. Thank you.
Comment by Linda — January 27, 2024 @ 2:48 pm
Everything all the others have said and thanks for being a steady source of inspiration to fight the good fight when things look bleak.
Comment by Daniel Glover — January 29, 2024 @ 9:41 am
I have already shared that the original Paks series has helped me loads when dealing with my own issues coming out of graduate school. So supporting The Writer going through your medical (and now computer) stuff has been a task in returning the favor.
You are quite welcome.
Comment by Gareth — January 31, 2024 @ 4:27 am
Your welcome. I often re-read the paksworld books – like playing a favourite piece of music again. Often see new nuances as I read. Looking forward to Hornguard.
Comment by Lise — January 31, 2024 @ 11:54 pm
Your books have pulled me through some really rough times. When I was badly depressed, the Kuakgan’s “Courage is going on.” was sometimes the only thing keeping me going. You deserve every ounce of support. I hope to read more of your work, but even if I don’t get the chance, I will be eternally grateful.
Comment by ellen — February 6, 2024 @ 2:45 am
A big thank you, Elizabeth, for the many hours of enjoyment we’ve had from all your books. Looking forward to Horngard, and praying you will continue to improve, healthwise. Lots of love and good wishes from Down Under.
Comment by Moira — May 28, 2024 @ 10:24 am
I’m coming to this outrageously late. I’ve been flitting in & out of the blogs at increasingly lengthy periods for years now, but have been ‘keeping tabs’ via Twit far more regularly.
In my defence, M’Lud, I have *thought* of both blogs and writer a lot more often that I’ve visited – and not just jonesing for more books! Honest!
Elizabeth, you are a gem. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated everything you’ve ever written, and your work always leaves me wanting more (I know, we’re all insatiable). The blog posts are a wonderful glimpse into the writing process, plus a sort of ‘(VERY) extended family letter’ way to keep in touch with you and your corner of the land. It’s always a pleasure, and may it remain so for many years to come – or as long as you want it to. You have my very best wishes, now and always, whether or not I get around to posting.
Health, long life, and happiness to you and yours. Or, in the Irish:
Saol fada agus breac-shláinte chugat – agus go raibh míle maith agat!
(Long life and fair health be upon you – and a thousand thanks to you!)
Comment by Joan Hardy — June 1, 2024 @ 6:12 pm
I’m just so glad you are still with us and fighting the good fight. As a fellow sufferer, I have no illusions about concussion recovery. When I was in second grade, just when Nader starting making seat belt noises, I was thrown out of a car during a collision. I stopped the sidewalk with my head. That night my mother couldn’t wake me up. Afterwards my grades dropped. I was considered socially immature. I was classified an underachiever. No one ever diagnosed post concussion syndrome. I started coming out of my fog in sixth grade, just to experience another concussion in a boating accident. My disabilities persist in visual fusion and three dimensional reasoning.
Thank-you for continuing to write. I eagerly await your next book. We all need to play the best we can with the hand we are dealt. You are doing a spectacular job.
Comment by Christina — July 13, 2024 @ 7:05 pm
I keep meaning to post an extra thank-you here – you are one of two authors who have been my comfort re-reads because of your portrayals of religious vocation. The general theme of other books I’ve read is that a Call From God is the endgame and solution to all difficulties, unless the protagonist has a serious character flaw. I love that you address that and that your characters have difficulties despite having Done All The Right Things, it gives me hope 🙂