Horngard I went off yesterday to my agent, via Earthlink Webmail, since the handshake between Earthlink and Thunderbird is still, apparently shaky. I’m receiving mail, but the sending has yet to have a confirmed arrival. Earthink’s Webmail didn’t even hiccup when the full book file went in, and reported it in its “sent” file. Agent has notified arrival but then he doesn’t if he’s doing something else.
I have already, this morning, looked over my notes & text (from much earlier in the year) for Horngard II, and the truncated ending from Horngard I , some of which will go into II, but not all. It’s much cooler, and bright with an almost cloudless sky, still in the mid-70sF at 11 am (wow!) so I have doors open for fresh air. I realized when I took my meds this morning that I had *skipped* a couple of days, probably due to having a house guest and being distracted, or that’s my excuse.
Y’all deserve a snippet. Maybe two snippets. Early, middle, and late, let’s say
Aesil M’dierra, having lunch in The Golden Fish in Valdaire, remembering a childhood incident:
Rainclouds low over the citadel, hiding all but the bases of the two peaks that gave the place its name. Cold rain, slippery rock, then the warmth of the great entrance chamber, a polished bronze dragon statue, gold leaf that had once covered it almost worn away. A man in yellow robes lifting the statue’s tail, the mouth opening, emitting first a puff of smoke and then warm red tongue sliding out for her to touch with her own….
She pushed memory aside with an effort.
Juris Marrakai en route to Marrakai’s country estate, escorted by Royal Guard
“But–where do you turn for the house?”
“I’ll go; I can show them. You go straight ahead. Give me some men!”
“But we’re supposed to protect you!”
“My sisters!” With that, Juris spurred back down the column for the crossroad, and Fandosson yelled for half the troop to follow Juris, then spurred ahead.
Meddthal Andressat, in Cha (south of Pliuni) representing Count Andressat. Andressat has claimed the South Marches since Siniava’s War.
The courier’s head fell forward like a puppet with cut strings. Dead. Meddthal felt he’d been dipped in ice water. He was dragonkin, this was Dragon’s business, but Dragon–he touched his amulet and it lay cold on his chest. He did not know where Dragon was.
“I will send word,” he said to his captain. “Burn his clothes, just in case. And bury him deep.”
He sent a courier north, that very hour, hoping it was not too late.
Comment by yennork — October 6, 2023 @ 12:07 pm
Snippet, YAY!
Enjoying it very much.
Comment by Patricia Lanigan — October 7, 2023 @ 1:14 pm
I was already looking forward to Horngard I, and hoping your agent would get a move on with a publisher. Now I’m longing for it even more.
Thank you for sharing the immense effort that goes into producing an excellent novel. I remember being amazed, years ago, on first reading the Vatta and Serrano series, at the sheer amount of action in each novel. It’s great to know we’ll get the same treat in Horngard.
Comment by elizabeth — October 8, 2023 @ 8:43 am
Thank you.
Comment by elizabeth — October 8, 2023 @ 8:44 am
The delay is not my agent’s fault, but mine…it’s taken me longer to clear the underbrush after not writing for years.
Comment by Daniel Glover — October 12, 2023 @ 8:38 am
This is good news!
The snippets are enticing!
Comment by Jonathan Schor — October 16, 2023 @ 6:05 am
Yea, Hooray.