Deeds of Youth will be released in mid-July (roughly) and I will post links for pre-purchase as soon as I get them from publisher. The collection has eight stories, arranged pretty much by age of the main character (that is slightly messed up in the last story, but it’s pretty close.) Total length is, I think, once again a little under 50,000 words and it should look like a green book the size & shape of Deeds of Honor. and
I should be able to reveal the cover and the exact date, and the links, within the next couple of weeks. The release date is on my husband’s birthday, which I hope he will accept as part of his birthday celebration. Wondering if I can get the bakery down at the big supermarket to do a version of the cover with DEEDS OF RICHARD THE BEST on it for cake decor. Don’t tell him. (He doesn’t read this blog. I don’t think he reads this blog.)
Meanwhile I’ll be checking copy edits (due by May 13), working on putting together a new computer system for both of us, and trying to get the horses to the vet’s for their annual shots, Coggins test, and dental stuff.
Comment by Annabel Smyth — April 29, 2023 @ 7:56 am
Who-hoo! Can’t wait. Will it be in e-format, too?
Comment by elizabeth — April 29, 2023 @ 9:30 am
It’s primarily in e-formats, also available as a print-on-demand.
Comment by Linda — April 29, 2023 @ 1:05 pm
Love the birthday cake idea … You are making me wonder where the cake pan is which looks like an open book. I know I had it 20 years ago.
I have such a hard time deciding between e books and print books. Both seem rather fragile in their own ways. The power goes out, the glue in the paperback fails, ny eyesight gets worse. Will Kindle self destruct at some point?
Anyway it is good news on a rainy spring Saturday.
Comment by Jonathan Schor — April 30, 2023 @ 5:46 am
Yea, Hooray.