This is mostly echoed from the Universes blog, so no use going there for more.
Stage Three overlaps Stage Two, because–especially this time–there’s no reason to ignore 3rd level problems while reading aloud to someone from the computer screen (there is no print-out yet.) So if I find an entire paragraph that’s now redundant (a Stage Two problem) I just delete it, or a temporal-sequence problem, I mark that section in red and fix it when through reading, and if I find a typo (and boyoboy do I find typoes!) I fix it. Same with “infelicitous phrasing,” doubled doubled words, and so on.
Every book *should* have (can easily have if you don’t have a submission deadline) at least three full length revisions: structural, constructional, surface polish. And also at least three readings: one of them voiced, out loud, two by readers with somewhat different ages/backgrounds, etc. This time my original first-reader (Rancherfriend Ellen) can no longer read, because of severe macular degeneration, so I’ve been calling her up every day and reading a chapter or two to her, as I’ve finished that part’s stage two (or think I have. She was a superb first reader, and she notices even hearing the book that “you said that already last time–we don’t need that bit.” This has been good for both of us.
DRW (Readerfriend DavidW) is another first reader, and I’m about to go to R-, who has been busy with other things while I worked on it, and combines well as a stage 2 and stage 3 reader because he picks nits like nobody’s business as well as spotting deeper problems. He doesn’t read as fast anymore, though. I’ve also had another first-reader take sporadic looks at it, but she’s got a busy schedule otherwise: she edits, writes, and teaches workshops.
I had wanted to be here two weeks ago, and would have been if not for the tooth problems and a few other complications in our lives, but I’m here now, and the book WILL go off to my agent this week (unless I croak. Always a consideration when over 75.) The book is now sitting at 167, 273 words, and wandering up and down a few at every pass as I fill holes and trim off excess. Probably will go in to agent close to 170,000.
Farrier comes today, in a couple of hours most likely, so this is just a quick update.
Dedicated Paksworld readers (you never look at Universes blog…<G>) This one has really stretched my abilities in managing complex sequential and tactical (in the military bits, of which there are quite a few) stuff. I’m happy with the outcomes, esp. young Gwenno Marrakai’s particular approaches to dealing with her enemies. The Marrakai younger generation is able to show that they’re not quite “all one brew, and that a heady one.” as was said of them years back. Juris, the king’s best friend, and Gwenno, his younger sister, and Temris *her* younger sister (not to mention Aris, who was Prince Camwyn’s best friend) have–while I was ignoring them writing the two later Vatta books–grown into very individual people. Even the two youngest, though they’re not that prominent in this book. (Well, you will meet Julyan and find out why he’s “different.”)