The random-number generator has kindly done its thing on the list it was given (pruned of duplicate entries, non-entry comments, and my bright ideas), and Richard (no initial, no last name) has won the ARC.
Richard, email me via the link on my website,, with a mailing address and I’ll ship it off.
Non-winners, your enthusiasm, inventiveness, and humor win my undying gratitude for the pleasure you’ve given me, in what turned out to be a tougher several weeks than I expected. There will be Snippet later today or tomorrow.
Thanks again, everyone.
Comment by Abbie — October 7, 2011 @ 11:14 am
Congrats Richard!
Comment by Naomi — October 7, 2011 @ 11:38 am
Thank you Elisabeth, your blog, your writing have finally kick started me into getting back into writing myself – I’ve been dithering, now I’m into the swing again!
Comment by elizabeth — October 7, 2011 @ 11:50 am
Naomi: Wonderful! When you’re ready, keep an eye on Terie Garrison’s LJ for an announcement about another “word race”.
She and I did one with each other over a year ago and it helped both of us…then last spring she opened it to other writers, and again this September. Because people can pick their own goals (she “handicaps” so that everyone’s on the same track and has a fair chance at finishing) it’s suitable for writers who want to do a lot or a little.
Comment by Jenn — October 7, 2011 @ 12:03 pm
Congratulations Richard!!!!
Can’t wait for the next snippet.
I hope the next few weeks are better for you Elizabeth.
Comment by Daniel Glover — October 7, 2011 @ 2:19 pm
I’ll duplicate Jenn’s sentiments for both Richard and Elizabeth.
Comment by Bridgett — October 7, 2011 @ 4:24 pm
Congratulations, Richard!
Thank you for the game, Elizabeth. It was great fun to read all the inventive entries. I especially enjoyed being reminded of minor characters, some of whom I had completely forgotten.
Jenn, I really appreciate you making “Those Who Walk in Darkness” known to me. I tracked it down online and thoroughly enjoyed knowing more about Selis.
Caryn, thank you for complimenting my entry! It was kind of you to take the time to do so.
Comment by iphinome — October 7, 2011 @ 4:48 pm
That was fun. Well done Richard, you deserve it.
For Lady moon has said it,
and it’s greatly to her credit.
That she’ll send Rich-ard the ARC.
That she’ll send Riiiiiiiich-ard the ARC.
Comment by Rolv Olsen — October 8, 2011 @ 7:41 am
I join the chorus of cheers for the winner, the contest, and all the participants. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the entries, and Richard was a worthy winner.
Comment by Corinne — October 8, 2011 @ 11:27 am
Yay Richard! That was fun and hope your next few weeks treat you better, Elizabeth. 🙂
Comment by Richard — October 11, 2011 @ 2:56 pm
Wow. I’m chuffed. Especially by all the congrats.
Bridgett, I too loved the way you wrote up your entry (neat idea too).
Iphinome, I never said how pleased I was to have ellicited your last chortlesome reply. I do have a little rhyme (from before the contest) waiting for a relevant moment to appear (which isn’t now; too soon to start new balls rolling). Nothing so grand as the full version of Gird’s “What never?” song that you started. Not G&S at all.
Jenn, I was guessing about Canada in WW1 – too much knowledge might have stopped me from doing what I wanted – based on what happened in Britain. The 1st Sea Lord (professional head of the Admiralty, as opposed to the 1st Lord a politician – a young-for-the-job Winston Churchill) was an Admiral Battenburg, who renamed himself Mountbatten but still got forced out. Prince Louis Mountbatten I’m sure must have been a descendant. And a very famous family became Windsor!
Comment by elizabeth — October 11, 2011 @ 4:57 pm
Richard, I haven’t had an email with your mailing address yet…just a reminder. There’s an email link on