Feb 04

Website Move Underway

Posted: under Website Notice.
 February 4th, 2017

Since my longtime website host, SFF.net, is closing down its hosting service on March 31,  all its denizens have to vacate, taking along all their goods and chattels, before then.  As with my physical house, my web house has a lot of stray goods and chattels (four websites, embedded blogs, and one subsite), but I’m now in the process of moving them to a New Home.   Or, to be honest, my new website maintenance person, Karen Shull, is doing the heavy lifting while I try to ignore this set of chores, and the political train-wreck now occurring (good luck with that, says the Citizen part of my head: you should be harassing your so-called representatives), and finish Into the Fire, whose title now seems unfortunate and prophetic both.

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