Jun 04

Home from A-Kon

Posted: under Life beyond writing.
Tags:  June 4th, 2012

It was a wild and woolly weekend, mostly great fun…until today’s trip home, when this happened.    Yes,  that’s the train I was on.   A very sad situation (still not sure if it was accident or suicide.)   And I got home to discover that a friend had committed suicide last night.

So some of the bloom was off the rose, so to speak….but the A-Kon memories are all good.   I had time with old friends, made some new ones, and signed a few books.   First load of laundry is done, and I’m leaving the other for tomorrow morning.    I went into the convention with my three pairs of hand-knit socks, and by judicious washing (I took my own towel for drying them, so they wouldn’t “bleed” on hotel white towels)  got through just fine.

Back to work on various fronts tomorrow…starting with a necessary visit to a government bureaucracy and then straight into my editor’s notes on Limits of Power.

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