Dec 26

Christmas Present Snippet #2

Posted: under snippet.
Tags:  December 26th, 2011

Continuing the story of Sergeant Vardan and her patrol of Halverics in northern Lyonya after the Pargunese released scathefire.

Northern Lyonya is, like most of Lyonya, forested country ranging from some swampy forest near the Honnorgat and along some of its tributaries, to forested uplands with rocky outcrops.    Although dominated by deciduous trees for the most part, there are some stands of conifers (and isolated conifers throughout).  Pargun, north of the river, has fewer deciduous and more coniferous trees.  Blackwood, the best wood for longbows on that world,  grows only south of the river.

In winter, with the leaves fallen,  the forest may seem easier to navigate,  harder to hide in…but not to its natives. Read the rest of this entry »

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