Jul 25
Posted: under Story, the writing life.
Tags: progress report, the writing life July 25th, 2015
The book has moved from the backstretch, where it was interfered with by sprinter-bred short story attempts, and is now on the turn toward home, though I can’t claim “homestretch” just yet. It’s running smoothly at this point–10,000 words this past week, which is quite nice (the 3000 word day made my fingers hurt; I’m […] [...more]
The book has moved from the backstretch, where it was interfered with by sprinter-bred short story attempts, and is now on the turn toward home, though I can’t claim “homestretch” just yet. It’s running smoothly at this point–10,000 words this past week, which is quite nice (the 3000 word day made my fingers hurt; I’m pretty much limited to 2000 on the day after day thing.) I’m a little over 89,000 words right now, and it will reach 90,000 words today. Getting that short story concern out of my mind really helped. I can now hold the existing story (and what I know or surmise about the part that’s not written down yet) in my head and see better where it wants to go, like a jockey who’s finally worked a horse out of a bad pocket and has open track in front. The story-horse is on the bit, eager to get to the finish line.
Read the rest of this entry »
May 01
Posted: under snippet, Story, the writing life.
Tags: characters, snippet, story, the writing life May 1st, 2014
How did that happen? I keep combing Crown, looking for possible snippets that aren’t spoilers, but…the last book in a group is more spoiler than anything else. Especially for a group of readers who are as sharp as you folks, who seize on the slightest clue and go straight to intelligent speculation. Even when you’re […] [...more]
How did that happen? I keep combing Crown, looking for possible snippets that aren’t spoilers, but…the last book in a group is more spoiler than anything else. Especially for a group of readers who are as sharp as you folks, who seize on the slightest clue and go straight to intelligent speculation. Even when you’re off the mark, you’re interestingly off the mark (and sometimes, I confess, make me wish the story itself had gone that way.) Hence the shortage of snippets from Crown.
What I can offer, sort of, is snippets from stories that will turn up in the related short fiction collections and background information that might lead…anywhere. Read the rest of this entry »
Feb 03
Posted: under snippet, Story.
Tags: snippet, story February 3rd, 2014
There’s a new story barreling along this morning–not book-length, but it’s certainly alive and wiggling in the writer’s hands, tossing off new ideas every few paragraphs. Remember our discussion about top-down and toe-up sock knitters? Thanks to that, I now know more about the great trade fairs at Fiveway, the craft guilds, the pride of […] [...more]
There’s a new story barreling along this morning–not book-length, but it’s certainly alive and wiggling in the writer’s hands, tossing off new ideas every few paragraphs. Remember our discussion about top-down and toe-up sock knitters? Thanks to that, I now know more about the great trade fairs at Fiveway, the craft guilds, the pride of one particular sock-knitter, the jealousy and vindictiveness of one of her former suitors (she’s happily married to a wool merchant) , the duties of a Fair-warden, the duties of a Guildmaster in the Knitters’ Guild, how booths are arranged (but not yet WHY there’s a saddler at the far end of the row in which Gralin has her booth.) Read the rest of this entry »
Dec 14
Posted: under snippet, Story.
Tags: snippet December 14th, 2013
Whatever you do this time of the year, Midwinter up here, midsummer down south I hope you have joy and friends all around you The taste of your favorite foods in your mouth. [...more]
Whatever you do this time of the year,
Midwinter up here, midsummer down south
I hope you have joy and friends all around you
The taste of your favorite foods in your mouth. Read the rest of this entry »
Oct 27
Posted: under Craft, Story.
Tags: craft of writing, story October 27th, 2013
The current story’s day or two in structural revision has made huge changes in its organization and now has it on an open track to completion as a story of approximately (after some cutting) the right length. It’s an interesting example of the kinds of decisions writers make when something doesn’t run easily the first […] [...more]
The current story’s day or two in structural revision has made huge changes in its organization and now has it on an open track to completion as a story of approximately (after some cutting) the right length. It’s an interesting example of the kinds of decisions writers make when something doesn’t run easily the first time. Read the rest of this entry »
Oct 23
Posted: under Background, Story.
Tags: history, story, the writing life October 23rd, 2013
I am still not happy with the Paksworld story written for the second anthology (and the deadline daily steps closer to my nose) so I started another one. Actually I’ve started several that didn’t work at all, either because they instantly bulged and made it clear they would be too long, or because fitting them […] [...more]
I am still not happy with the Paksworld story written for the second anthology (and the deadline daily steps closer to my nose) so I started another one. Actually I’ve started several that didn’t work at all, either because they instantly bulged and made it clear they would be too long, or because fitting them to the anthology requirements would warp them too badly. But this new one has retained its potential and is cantering along briskly. It’s too long, but that’s because I had to work out background in the course of writing it–cuts shouldn’t be too difficult. I hope. Read the rest of this entry »