Mar 30

POD of Deeds of Honor really close now…

Posted: under Deeds of Honor, Life beyond writing, the writing life.
Tags: , ,  March 30th, 2015

I received in today’s mail a copy of the POD edition, which has a large PROOF on its last page, and some notes already attached saying “I’ve got this one, go find another one to fix.”    But close, yes.  And a quite attractive paperback, IMO.  Of course I found things that many goings over by many eyes did not catch before this (my proofreading on the screen is not as good as my proofreading on paper!)  but so far I consider them minor.   The front looks about the same on paper as on the screen; the back cover has the same border, the harp & tree centered toward the top, and a blurb.  Plus the very un-archaic-looking ISBN barcoding, but you can’t have everything unless bind it yourself.

Bluebonnets are really coming on now, and of course the rest of the week will be about church music, getting to rehearsals and services, and not losing the theology for the music minutiae.  Next week a houseguest.   And writing.   I am not ready for any of this stuff.



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Mar 30

The New Book: First (I think) Snippet

Posted: under snippet.
Tags:  March 30th, 2015

The new book, having slowed down to take a deep breath in medias res, as it were, with some brainstorming, more research, and hard thinking going on, has now reached 280 manuscript pages (some out of order) and is moving again–though the Holy Week services and car problems will slow it down again this week and I have a house guest next week.  Still.  Moving along, new ideas flowing.   So I think it’s time for a snippet that may or may not survive later editing.  (This is the first, very rough, draft, after all.)

Read the rest of this entry »

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Mar 19

Podcast Live

Posted: under Interview.
Tags:  March 19th, 2015

Because I was watching a PBS presentation of the life of Genghis Khan, I missed the email when it came in, BUT:   The podcast I did with Gamers’ Tavern is now up and you can hear it at

We had fun.

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